ArtsAndCraftsOrnamentsBA W95 Rg
End User License Agreement Todd Hallock grants you a non-exclusive license to use theaforenamed digital typeface outlines (a.k.a., the software),provided you agree to these terms: 1. You may not redistribute the software. 2. You may not disassemble the software. 3. You may install and use the software on up to five computers, or to the number of computers specified in your purchase,of the same platform at one physical location, and use thesoftware through any number of printers or other outputdevices at that same location. 4. You may not convert the software for use on anotherplatform.5. You may make a backup copy of the software. 6. You may send a copy of the softwaredata along with your documents to a commercial printer orother service bureau to enable the editing or printing of yourdocument, provided that such party agrees to delete the fontor fonts from his/her/their system upon completion of yourproject.7. The software is owned by and is the intellectual property ofTodd Hallock. 8. In no way is Todd Hallock liable for any computer trouble,property damage, personal injury, or loss of income or profitsas a result of the use of this software. 9. This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Oklahomaand any other legally governing authority. 10. This agreement ends the minute you violate any of theseterms.
Copyright (c) Todd Hallock, 2009. All rights reserved.
End User License Agreement Todd Hallock grants you a non-exclusive license to use theaforenamed digital typeface outlines (a.k.a., the software),provided you agree to these terms: 1. You may not redistribute the software. 2. You may not disassemble the software. 3. You may install and use the software on up to five computers, or to the number of computers specified in your purchase,of the same platform at one physical location, and use thesoftware through any number of printers or other outputdevices at that same location. 4. You may not convert the software for use on anotherplatform.5. You may make a backup copy of the software. 6. You may send a copy of the softwaredata along with your documents to a commercial printer orother service bureau to enable the editing or printing of yourdocument, provided that such party agrees to delete the fontor fonts from his/her/their system upon completion of yourproject.7. The software is owned by and is the intellectual property ofTodd Hallock. 8. In no way is Todd Hallock liable for any computer trouble,property damage, personal injury, or loss of income or profitsas a result of the use of this software. 9. This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Oklahomaand any other legally governing authority. 10. This agreement ends the minute you violate any of theseterms