Sassoon Infant W01 Tracker B
End User License Agreement. Adrian Williams Design Ltd and Dr. Rosemary Sassoon (hereafter referred to as Supplier) grants the purchaser (hereafter referred to as End User) a non-exclusive license to use the items provided in this package which contains application software and digital outline font software (hereafter to be referred to as Software). In confirming acceptance of this agreement, End User agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions. This software and documentation may be returned for a full refund, unless used, which indicates End User acceptance of this agreement. To receive registration benefits of technical support and update information End User must inform Supplier of acceptance separately in writing quoting any license number(s). CPU use Software is licensed for use on up to 5 (five) central processing units (hereafter referred to as CPUs) at the same site, unless an additional written license has also been given. Software installed for network use on a single file server may be used for only one of the following; permanent installation on hard disks up to the number of CPUs licensed; or use on a network provided the number of terminals does not exceed the number of CPUs licensed. Use of the software at different sites requires a separate written license. Output device useSoftware may be downloaded to (1) one hard disk of an output device for each licensed software package. Bureau useA copy of the software may be given to a Service Bureau provided; the service bureau also has a license to use the software; or an additional written license grants service bureau this right. Rights Software and documentation may not be copied except for one (1) copy only for back-up purposes or, such copies as may be necessary for installation. Assignment Under the terms of this agreement End User may assign its rights to a third party who agrees in writing to be bound by this agreement provided that the End User first notifies Supplier of the transfer in writing before transfering all copies of the software and documentation or destroy any copies not transferred. Other rights Supplier and its suppliers retain title and ownership in the software (including the transfer media) and documentation which is protected by United Kingdom copyright and design right law. Except where stated above this agreement confers no intellectual property rights or ownership including but not limited to trade marks. TermThis license remains in effect until terminated by Supplier at any time for its own legal reasons or if End User fails to comply with this agreement. End User may terminate this agreement at any time by returning all software and documentation, Supplier not being liable for any indemnity or refund. Limited liabilityAny limited or implied warranties are effective for a period of (90) days from proof of delivery date. Software should be free from errors in normal use. If the software fails to comply with this warranty, Supplier will, at its own cost, replace defective media or refund the license fee except if misuse has caused the failure. Supplier will not warrant the performance of software or documentation. The foregoing states the sole extent of Supplier's breach of warranty and makes no warranties covering third party rights. LiabilityUnder no circumstances will Supplier be liable to any party for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages, including loss of business, profits or information, interruption of business, etc., arising from use or misuse of the Software whether known or advised. The above limitations may not apply in certain jurisdictions of the world. AcknowledgmentEnd User has read and acknowledged this agreement which supersedes all previous statements of agreement between End User and Supplier and agrees to be bound by its terms. This agreement inures to the benefit of Supplier and its licensors and their rights licensed under this agreement. Governing law This agreement is subject to change without notice and forms no commitment by Supplier and may not be amended except by written consent from Supplier. This agreement will be governed by the laws of the United Kingdom. Copyright Dr. Rosemary Sassoon & Adrian Williams Design Limited trading as Club Type 1995-2005.
Sassoon is a registered trademark of the Sassoon & Williams, UK.
Dr. Rosemary Sassoon & Adrian Williams
Copyright Sassoon & Williams 1988, 2001, 2009, 2013. All rights reserved. Sassoon is a trademark of Dr. Rosemary Sassoon & Adrian Williams. This product is licensed, not sold, and may only be used in accordance with the terms specified in the License Agreement.