Anatoletype End User License Agreement: By opening the AnatoleType package, you accept the terms and conditions of this agreement. Single User license AnatoleType gives you the right to use the enclosed font software on one (1) printer and up to five (5) computers at a single geographic location and within the same company. For multi-user licenses additional fees are to be paid.* For Web Embedding with Font-Face a special Web version of Anatoletype fonts should be required and used.**RestrictionsYou may install and use font software for the purpose of reproducing typeface designs. You may take a copy of the font software to a commercial printer or service bureau for printing your documents (see also Embedding) only if the printer or service bureau has purchased a license*** to use that particular font software. You may not rent, lease, sublicense, give, lend, or further distribute the font software or any copy thereof. You agree that you will not distribute any part of the software through any online service.CopyrightYou agree that the font software is owned by AnatoleType, and its structure, organisation and code are the valuable trade secrets of AnatoleType. You acknowledge that the software is protected by the United States Copyright Law, by the copyright and design laws of other nations, and by international treaties. You agree to treat the font software as you would any other copyrighted material, such as a book.You may not copy the font software, with the exception of making a copy for personal archival purposes only. You do have the right to modify and alter font software for your customary personal use. However, you agree not to modify, adapt, convert, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, alter, or create derivative works of the font software for resale or further distribution.EmbeddingYou may embed AnatoleType fonts into documents for in house use. You may take a document with embedded fonts to a commercial printer or service bureau for printing. You may publish documents with embedded fonts (e.g. on Web or CD Rom) if you mention in the documents the names of the font and the foundry, e.g. Type set in Fontname from AnatoleType.Warranty AnatoleType warrants that the font software will perform as it should for the ninety (90) day period following your receipt. To make a warranty claim, you must return the software along with a copy of your sales receipt within the ninety (90) day period. If the sofware does not perform correctly, AnatoleType will either replace the software or refund the license fee you paid for the software. AnatoleType does not and cannot warrant the performance or results you may obtain by using the software. In no event will AnatoleType be liable to you for any consequential incidental or special damages, including any lost profits or lost savings. The license granted herein is effective until terminated. This agreement shall automatically terminate upon failure by you to comply with its terms. Upon termination, you must destroy the original and any copies of the software. If any part of this agreement is found void and unenforceable, it will not affect the validity of the agreement, which shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. This agreement may only be modified by AnatoleType.* Multi-user license infoIf you want to use our font designs in an organisation you do not have to buy a font package for every single PC, but a multi-user license subject to discounts; the more computer you need to install the font software on, the less will become the price per unit.** Web EmbeddingOnly AnatoleType Web fonts may be converted to the EOT (Embedded OpenType) web font format for use with @font-face on websites. You can upload the Web fonts on any server as long as the font file is used for the @font-face command. AnatoleType Web fonts provides restricted character sets and can not be used to create commercial print work.*** Service license infoIf you own a regular license and the service provider (e.g. commercial printer) agrees to exclusively use the font software on projects related with you, he may purchase a special Service License, equal to the 50% of the normal price.Cross license info A second Single User License for the same PostScript font package for another computer platform costs 50% of the normal price.version 1.3 july 2009