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Only the "SFR Thin" first 50 simple glyphs are shown
2009 copyright (c) by agence Quatre. All rights reserved. Typeface designed for an exclusive use by SFR and its affiliates. Any total or partial reproduction of the present digital font on any digital media whatsoever without the express permission of SFR is prohibited and constitutes copyright infringement. (Code of Intellectual Property, articles L.122-4 and L.335-1).2009 copyright (c) par agence Quatre. Tous droits reserves. Caractere cree pour un usage exclusif par SFR et ses filiales. Toute reproduction totale ou partielle de la presente fonte numerique sur quelque support que ce soit sans autorisation de SFR est interdite et constitue le delit de contrefacon. ( Code de la propriete Intellectuelle, articles L.122-4 et L.335-1).