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Solo se muestran los "As I Lay Dying Logo Font" primeros 50 glifos simples
- 2015. Designe by LJ-Design Studios- All Rights Reserved
This typeface is an unofficial interpretation of the logo of defunct band As I Lay Dying, which we have done in honor of the lead vocalist Tim Lambesis.The source is for personal use and can not be used in commercial production since it is not legal. You should be used commercially you are responsible for your actions against the perpetrators of this typographic art.WHAT CAN HAPPEN AM NOT RESPONSIBLE[Espaol]Esta fuente tipogrfica es una interpretacin no oficial del logo de desaparecida banda As I Lay Dying, la cual hemos realizado en honor al vocalista principal Tim Lambesis.La fuente es de uso personal y no se puede usar en produccin comercial ya que no es legal. En caso de ser usada comercialmente sers responsable de tus actos frente a los autores de este arte tipogrfico.NO ME HAGO RESPONSABLE DE LO QUE PUEDA SUCEDER