2009-2012 copyright (c) by Jean Francois Porchez, ZeCraft-Typofonderie. All rights reserved. Distributed exclusively by Arjowiggins under license from ZeCraft-Typofonderie. Any distribution to a third party is prohibited. Names are trademarks in some cases. This font software may not be reproduced, modified, disclosed or transfered without the express written approval of Jean Francois Porchez, ZeCraft-Typofonderie. AW Conqueror typeface family is distributed by AWFP (Arjowiggins) under licence with Typofonderie until 1st April 2013. Whatever the use is, third parties are not authorized to use AW Conqueror without a proper licence from Arjowiggins or ZeCraft-Typofonderie. The final medium for any use of the font should be paper or any digital file who can garanty the non-extraction of the font files. Any use on networks or on the web using CSS @ fontface is strictly prohibed. The unique alternative for web use is font services like Typekit or Fontdeck. You must have accepted the licence to use the font. Contact us: AWFP (Arjowiggins), http://www.arjowiggins.com. After 1st April 2013: Jean Francois Porchez - type designer - ZeCraft-Typofonderie / http://www.typofonderie.com /
[email protected] email / +33 (0)1 46 54 26 92 phone / France
2009-2012 copyright (c) by Jean Francois Porchez, ZeCraft-Typofonderie. All rights reserved. Distributed exclusively by Arjowiggins under license from ZeCraft-Typofonderie. Any distribution to a third party is prohibited. Names are trademarks in some cases.
Conqueror fonts are available in OpenType format, cross platforms compatible. Depending the versions, some OpenType features are provided. Please refer to read me files provided with the fonts for more specific details.The AW Conqueror Didot typeface is not inspired by the Didot dynasty of the early 19th century but rather the spectacular interpretations of them appearing in the 1960s and 70s. Decades in which large type sizes were all the rage in advertising and publishing, contrasted typefaces were everywhere. This new font is an ode to the heyday of dry-transfer alphabets and Herb Lubalin, the typographer who mastered the tight but not touching art of glyphs set ascloseasthis without overlapping.Les fontes Conqueror sont disponibles en format OpenType, compatible avec diffrents systmes dexploitation. En fonction des versions, certaines fonctionnalits OpenType sont disponibles. Veuillez consulter les fichiers Lisez-moi fournis avec les fontes pour plus de dtails.Le AW Conqueror Didot ne sinspire pas des caractres crs par la dynastie Didot au dbut du XIXe sicle, mais plutt des interprtations spectaculaires apparues dans les annes 1960 et 1970. Ces deux dcennies voient lmergence de compositions typographiques employant des caractres fort contraste en trs grand corps, notamment dans la publicit et ldition. Cette nouvelle fonte fait rfrence lge dor des caractres en planche transfert et Herb Lubalin, typographe pass matre dans lart du titrage Tight but not touching, cest--dire en approches serres sans chevauchements.