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केवल "Kis Text BT Web Italic" पहले 50 सरल ग्लिफ़ दिखाए जाते हैं
Copyright 1987-1992 as an unpublished work by Bitstream Inc., Cambridge, MA. All rights reserved Copyright (c) ParaType, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved.
The Bitstream version of Linotype Janson. Nicholas Kis (Kis Miklos) was a Hungarian punch-cutter who worked in Amsterdam. His types are some of the greatest in the Dutch old face style and have been used as models for a number of developments in this century. The Linotype version of this style, Janson, was created by Chaunsey H.Griffith in 1937 and is based on an original face cut by Kis in 1670-90. The face is named after Anton Janson, a Dutchman who worked in Leipzig, with whom the face has no connection. The typeface is for use in text matter. Cyrillic version developed at ParaType in 1999 by Vladimir Yefimov.